- this is our home !

Discontented with the barely existing german landscape of pop-music,
elegant was born in summer 1997. Besides the intelligent pop from Hamburg, which rarely deserves the word P!O!P!
(in strict sense), almost no band existed, which spiritualized what english - or swedish - popbands could do so easily.
New german musicians often search for their ideals with american bands, where melody and song are not stressed enough.
The challenge was to join popmusic with an english flair and german texts, without drifting to the niveau of a german new wave-band
or with the powerful words of a J. Distelmeyer. The harmony between music and text is respected!
With the limited possibilities of a 4-track-recorder and the character of a project the gentle structure of the songs and their easniness are underlined
The attempt to make guitarpop fit for good society!
After the debut on a split-7" with Mondfähre on Apricot Records, a
mini-album was released lately on the Label Marsh-Marigold from Hamburg on CD.
The songs from elegant are meanwhile presented live.
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