the bands on apricot records

-phyAquadaysBazooka CainBirdieBridesheadBuschC.l.a.r.k.CakeheadsCinnamonDen BaronElegantFragileGraf TatiHeavy BlinkersLes GarconsLinaModesty BlaiseMondfähreOrwellPanamaformatRockformation DiskokugelSleeping PolicemenSpace KellySpearmintSuperpunkThe LodgerThe Shining HourThree Blind MiceVarious Artists
close detail Orwell


Over the space of three albums, Orwell have acquired a reputation as one of the world’s
foremost purveyors of classic, beautifully crafted pop music of the kind that seemed
to all but disappear around the time that Brian Wilson took to his bed, Nilsson hit the
bottle, and Bacharach and David starting suing one another. The band’s last album,
Le génie humain, was their first to reach the UK, where it garnered wildly enthusiastic
reviews from such authorities as the Sunday Times and Mojo. “Done badly,” wrote the
Sunday Times reviewer, “this orchestral pop would become the worst kind of lounge
music; but done with the wit and musicality that Orwell display, they carry you along
with them.” “The synthesis that Didelot has achieved is seamless,” wrote Mojo. “Le
génie humain is set apart by its beautiful arrangements . . . an exquisite and subtle

Orwell are:

Jérôme Didelot : voices, bass, guitar, banjoline, glockenspiel.
With support from:
Thierry Bellia : bass, guitar
Alexandre Longo : keyboards

Their music:

continental (7486 kb)
on this brightful day
the wife, the battlefield
follow me, boy
a long way to the start
anytime is now
secret movies
lonely ride
everytime the world is too load
in your playground (5975 kb)
mon adversaire (5076 kb)
everywhere (4469 kb)
sans le savoir
fear of mars (5542 kb)

Their releases:



Contact them:

Official Website:

close detail continental




Orwell’s music has been taken a
stage further with the ambitious Continental. A conscious attempt to get beyond his (impeccably furnished) comfort zone, Continental draws inspiration from whole new areas of music from the 60s and 70s, and also takes Orwell into deeper philosophical waters. Thankfully, however, Jérôme’s melodic gifts are still very much to the fore. He explains: “I thought it would be interesting to try some new things in the way I make´music with Orwell. Although I’m proud to be part of a band known for producing interesting indie pop, I’ve always had the feeling that some of my influences have never really come through in Orwell’s music. For instance, the first Eno albums are some of my all-time favourites, and I always liked the early days of electronic music and Krautrock – bands like Cluster, Neu! and Kraftwerk, as well as Bowie’s Berlin albums. But I know it would have been pointless for me to start making music like that out of the blue. That’s why I started to wonder how I could integrate some of these elements into the music I feel most at ease with when I write – let’s call it ‘classic pop’.”


1 continental
2 on this brightful day
3 the wife, the battlefield
4 always
5 follow me, boy
6 eastern
7 a long way to the start
8 anytime is now
9 them
10 secret movies
11 lonely ride
12 interlude
13 everytime the world is too load

close detail archipel




nous jeuns d’apricot aimons la france! deshalb verwandeln wir alle paar wochen den schnöden montag in einen schnieken lundi. und dann sitzen wir gemeinsam orangina-trinkend vor dem plattenspieler und hören singles von brigitte bardot, serge gainsbourg und francoise hardy, über katerine und coralie clement bis air. an einem solchen lundi hörten wir zum ersten mal die cd einer band namens orwell, die uns unsere freunde von tahiti 80 geschickt hatten. orwell? zugegeben: so richtig französisch hört sich der bandname nicht an, doch nach wenigen sekunden waren wir verzaubert, verliebt, glückselig. des lendemains war ein album wie ein tag, an dem man spürt, dass der winter zum frühling geworden ist. zwei songs von des lendemains wählten wir für die apricot compilation daft wild sparkling strawberry soda aus und konnten so orwell P!O!P!-liebhabern weltweit vorstellen. nun erscheint das zweite album von unseren lieblingsfranzosen, das den Titel archipel trägt. es klingt, wie sich die sonne an einem spätsommertag anfühlt, reif und dabei unschuldig sanft zugleich. die band um den sänger jérôme didelot hat songperlen aufgenommen, die von zarten streicherarrangements getragen werden und mal in französisch, mal in englisch ein lächeln auf die lippen zaubern. die melodien erinnern an kalifornischen soft-rock der 60er und 70er jahre; sunshine-P!O!P!-chansons für den tgv-jetset, sozusagen. archipel erscheint auf apricot records in einer version particulière. die cd enthält drei bonustracks des ersten albums von orwell und erscheint in einem digipack, das von der dänischen designerin lykke sandal liebevoll gestaltet wurde


1 in your playground
2 mon adversaire
3 de l’autre côté
4 happy where you are
5 everywhere
6 interruption
7 les avancées
8 here and there
9 monorail
10 sans le savoir
11 la remise
12 l’archipel
13 fear of mars
14 sans cesse
15 des lendemains

logo bands
Three Blind Mice